Thursday 17 November 2011

Copy of questionnaire


1) What gender are you? Male □ Female □
2) How old are you? 16-20 □ 21-25 □ 26-30 □ 30 and above □
3) Do you buy music magazines often, if so how often? Daily □ Every other day □ Weekly □ Monthly □ Hardly □ Never □
4) What genres of music are you interested in? Pop □ Rock □ Indie □ Dance □ RnB □ Metal □ Punk □ Other □
5) Who is your favourite artist/band associated with Indie music? __________________________________
6) How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? £1.00-£1.50 □ £1.50-£2.00 □ £2.00-£2.50 □ £2.50-£3.00 □
7) What is your favourite aspect of a music magazine? Interviews □ Gossip □ Competitions □ Tour info □ Music charts □ New bands/new music □
8) Name three words that you would associate with the word ‘Indie’
9) Would you purchase a magazine if only one article interested you?
Yes □ No □
10) Do you participate in the competitions provided for you within music magazines? Yes □ No □ Sometimes □

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