Friday 18 November 2011

Double page spread interview

When did you first select individuals for the band?
Jack: A year ago today.
Craig: 31st of October was our first gig.
Tonight’s your first headline gig, are you excited?
Jack: Yeah we are. Well I am anyway.
Craig: Yeah yeah as we were saying before, we played our first proper gig here (The Picket) so it’s nice to come back and headline tonight.
Was there any bands before this exactly formed?
Craig: Yes, we were called ‘Grass in the attic’.
What’s different about this band?
Craig: A ginger person isn’t in it.
Jack: It's not that we're discriminating, he was just a wanker
Who’s new in this band?
Cameron: It was these four and then I joined the charade so I’m relatively new.
What made you change?
Jack: We had arguments about it and we had a gig coming up and we thought ‘We’ll go and do another band then won’t we’
Who’s your inspiration as a band?
Craig: Hmm let me have a think about this. *sarcastic tone*
Jack: Arctic monkeys! They’re the biggest one anyway.
Who thought of the name ‘Fools on parade’?
Jack: Craig
Craig: I did, it was a joke for a while weren’t it.
Jack: Yeah it was a joke, we didn’t have a name for a while and as a pisstake Craig said ‘Fools on parade’ and we kept it.
What band do you hate most in the entire world?
Craig: Solitary Confinements! And Guardians, I hate Guardians.
John: Hate Guardians, love Hippies on the Hill
Jack: They’re both shit. I also hate erm, Beady Eye!
John: No. Don’t say that.
Megan Fox or Cheryl Cole?
Craig: Ooooooo
All: Megan Fox!!
Jack: Cheryl Cole’s too fake
Who would you most like to collaborate with, anyone you want?
Jack: The Courteeners
John: And Arctic Monkeys!
Do you think you’re gonna make it, truthfully?
Craig: It’s been said.
*All laugh*
Jack: We’ve been told we will but it’s quite hard to get into music like.
Craig: It’s a long way to go
Cameron: If you want to rock and roll.
*All laugh*
Hmm, don’t think we have any other questions?
Jack: Who’s the best looking? Jack?
*All laugh*
Last question, do you love eachother genuinely?
Craig: We do, let’s have a group hug to end the session!

Thursday 17 November 2011

Copy of questionnaire


1) What gender are you? Male □ Female □
2) How old are you? 16-20 □ 21-25 □ 26-30 □ 30 and above □
3) Do you buy music magazines often, if so how often? Daily □ Every other day □ Weekly □ Monthly □ Hardly □ Never □
4) What genres of music are you interested in? Pop □ Rock □ Indie □ Dance □ RnB □ Metal □ Punk □ Other □
5) Who is your favourite artist/band associated with Indie music? __________________________________
6) How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? £1.00-£1.50 □ £1.50-£2.00 □ £2.00-£2.50 □ £2.50-£3.00 □
7) What is your favourite aspect of a music magazine? Interviews □ Gossip □ Competitions □ Tour info □ Music charts □ New bands/new music □
8) Name three words that you would associate with the word ‘Indie’
9) Would you purchase a magazine if only one article interested you?
Yes □ No □
10) Do you participate in the competitions provided for you within music magazines? Yes □ No □ Sometimes □

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Article research.

Prior to my interview with 'Fools on parade' I formed questions I could ask them during our encounter.
When did you first select individuals for the band?
Tonight’s your first headline gig, are you excited?
Was there any bands before this exactly formed?
What’s different about this band?
Who’s new in this band?
What made you change?
Who's your inspiration as a band?
Who thought of the name ‘Fools on parade’?
What band do you hate most in the entire world?
Who would you most like to collaborate with, anyone you want?
Do you think you’re gonna make it, truthfully?
Last question, do you love eachother genuinely?

Friday 11 November 2011

Planning production

After deciding on the content for a music magazine, decisions must be made of how it will look visually and so here are the pictures my magazine will include:

My front cover will consist of one main image, this will be of an Indie artist.
I may potentially use some small images around the main image, based on the articles which most stand out.

My double page spread will have an image of the band the article is based on- Fools on parade. There will be one main image bleeding across the page of the band.

My contents page will have images of 2011's v festival performances and images of the gig the double page spread is based on.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Publication Plan

After conducting all my research, I am able to make final decisions for my magazine.

Title of magazine: I-Music

Positioning Statement: 'Listening the independant way'
Frequency of publication: My magazine will be published monthly as my research shows that that is the most popular frequency. The answers in my questionnaire supported this.
Distribution: Newsagents, supermarkets and music shops (e.g HMV)

Price: £2.99

Style: The style will be informal as this is typical of music magazines, as proven throughout my research.

Rationale: My magazine is for the public, it will be aimed at the age range of 16 onwards. It will be more specifically aimed at those interested in Indie music, especially those who attend gigs and festivals frequently.

Regular content:
-Editors letter
-Music charts updates
-Fans forum
-Fan mail
-What we're listening to
-Upcoming bands/gigs

Feature content:
-Fools on parade exclusive interview and gig pictures
-V festival 2011- Pictures and reviews. Rumours of next years line up.
-Battle of the bands
-'Who sang it best?' Statistics show which was better, the original or the recreation.
-Florence and the Machine: Still rising.
-Marina and the Diamonds and Emeli Sandi support Coldplay tour December 2011
-Behind the scenes of Colplay 'Paradise' video.
-Oasis reunite?
-Razorlights ongoing fued with The Kooks
-Best indie bands/artists of the last ten years
-Rough Trade Records attempt to encourage The Smiths to reunite.
-High flying birds vs. Beady Eye. Review of the time Oasis spent apart and the achievements the seperate bands made.
-Kings of Leon split up?
-Caleb Followill encouraged to try Rehab by fellow band members
-The Wombats